Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vandenberg Family HIstory

Continued from last week.....

While searching for the Vandenberg name we found many spellings for the name due to the different localities it was spelled and pronounced different. This is some of the ways we found it spelled van den Barg, ten Barge, van den berg and many other ways.
When we were trying to find them in the census the Berg was the surname and then the given name with van den following it in some of the records.
Some of the early settlers with the name Vandenberg came to America about 1710 into New York and others arrived in Philadelphia around 1807.
Beginning in 1834 because many of the separatists were imprisoned, and charged large fines for not following the orders of the State Church and there was also a potato blight causing a famine so emigration seemed to be the only answer.
Reverend Hendrik Peiter Scholte and several ministers and their congregations declined to follow the orders of the King to follow the State Church style of worship so he and his family left by steamer for America so he could find a location for the colony the state of Iowa seemed to be an ideal place.
In 1847 the town of Pella, Iowa was founded under the leadership of Schholte and through the years many followed to this town sometimes known as Little Holland.
I will be sharing my ancestral line in my next several posts.

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