Thursday, March 28, 2013

Vandenberg Family Story- Some Family History

This information is from my relatives who did all the research and published a book. 

The surname Van den berg is from the German word "berg" which means mountain leading us to the

 conclusion that they came from a mountain or high ground and the preposition"Van den" which means

 "from the". Therefore the name means they came from the Mountains. 

The name Berg goes back to Holland where it is believed to have existed since the 15th century and as

 they moved down into the Netherlands which was low lying flat country they were considered to have

 prestige and influence since they were from the higher ground. 

Edward Francis Dunshie & Ann Vandenberg Dunshie. 
My grandparents

This story will be continued next week. It gets better.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Family Tree

The Family Tree

Where did you come from? That's a question that everyone ask. I have been delving into our family tree

have found some very interesting stuff about the family. I will be sharing some of these in this blog and 

future blogs. That is my maiden name, Dunshie. This is in a cemetery in Beaumont, Texas. This

headstone stands near an area

where several of my relatives are buried. I went on a trip not to long ago and did some cemetery visits

and took pictures.

My great grandfather.

Some people may think this is uninteresting and a waste of time. I really enjoy finding and reading 

stories of my past relatives. I will include some stories next week about some who traveled from

 the Nederlands. Come back and visit next Thursday.